Privacy Policy

Cinema at Sea - Okinawa Pan-Pacific International Film Festival (hereinafter referred to as 'the Festival') recognizes that the protection of personal information is not only a fundamental principle in the course of conducting its business activities but also a social responsibility.
In regard to the protection of personal information, the Festival will establish relevant regulations and management systems and, as outlined below in our Privacy Policy, will ensure that all Festival staff are fully aware of and adhere to this policy. We are committed to appropriately utilizing, managing, and protecting personal information in accordance with this policy. Furthermore, we will strive to make improvements in the handling of personal information as necessary, in response to changes in laws and the social environment.

1. Use of Personal Information

The Festival will not use the personal information provided through applications, inquiries, etc. (such as name, phone number, address, email address, and inquiry content) for purposes other than those explicitly stated below, without obtaining prior consent.

・Correspondence and confirmation regarding festival submissions.
・Responding to inquiries.
・Providing information for promotional activities.
・Conducting business related to the implementation of events, including the festival and associated events.

2. Security Measures

In order to protect personal information, the Festival takes measures such as managing such personal information, specifying how to take out personal information, and preventing unauthorized access from third parties based on regulations regarding information security. These actions are taken to prevent the leakage, loss, tampering, destruction, and similar incidents involving personal information.

3. Requests from Individuals

Regarding personal information, if we receive any requests from individuals for disclosure, correction, deletion, or requests related to the use or provision of their personal information, we will respond to such requests promptly and in good faith.

4. Provision of Personal Information

Personal information will not be provided or disclosed to third parties, except in cases where prior consent has been obtained, in response to requests from government agencies or similar authorities, or as permitted by law.